Deen Communications: The What. The Why. The Way to Victory.
We’ve heard it time and again over the last twenty years. The Democratic Party needs a vision to unite and guide them. A philosophy to define them. A mission to carry them. And a narrative to explain all of this to an electorate they desperately need to reach.
Yet, party leaders and strategists have failed to figure this out—what Democrats stand for and why, and who they are at the core—creating a gaping void that Republicans have danced right through on their way to victory, again and again.
Voters are inspired by politicians driven by purpose and guided by principle and have to feel a full-bodied reason to support a candidate–one that meaningfully resonates with them and their values.
What the Democratic Party needs is a compelling story conveying the red-hot “why” that drives them—a cause more meaningful than fighting Trumpism or Republicans, more penetrating than a list of do-good policies or even rights, and for a purpose much greater than simply winning elections.
That story is told here, along with a fierce 5-point strategy enabling Democrats to trounce the Republican Party with grace and goodwill in 2020 and beyond.
Step into my website for a fresh take on American politics today, complete with an ethical approach to righting a system so out of whack it has put the foxes in charge of the henhouse.
No. More.
I hope you’ll join in the mission to Make America, America. Read on to get fired up, together, as you learn how the Republican Party has been deceiving citizens with American values rhetoric while trampling on these very values to serve their own good, not the common good. When united, nothing can stop a force for justice in our democracy.
Look out foxes. Here we come.
Michelle Deen
Deen Communications, LLC